Toyota Noah (Voxy or Esquire)
1-2 days: $139 per day | 3-6 days: $129 per day | Weekly: $100 per day | Monthly: $85 per day
Vehicle Details
Number of Seats: 4
To Fit Wheelchair Size: 70cm wide x 115cm long x 133cm high
Wheelchair Positions: 1
Ramp Weight Loaded To: 200Kgs
Rental Fineprint
- 200 kms per day, then 25 cents per kilometre
- No animals to travel in our vehicles, other than certified working animals
- Vehicle is offered full of fuel and is to be returned full. We charge market rates plus a $40 refill and admin fee.
- All fines and tolls are the responsibility of the renter. We will charge a $40 administration fee per fine.
- Our damage Liability carries a $1000 excess and is charged as a refundable $1000 bond.